Our goal is to operate Transform1060 using policies and procedures that reinforce our core values.
Our Core Values
- Inclusion
- Transparency
- Accountability
- Fiscal responsibility
Transform1060 does not tolerate harassment of our team, volunteers, or hosts. No one should feel threatened for volunteering or hosting at Transform1060.
Harassment of volunteers and staff may include but is not limited to:
- Unsolicited direct messages or comments on social media, especially those that appear meant to discourage volunteering, hosting or attending events, through intimidation or innuendo.
- Doxxing (sharing personal identifying information) in social media or other online venues.
- False or unsubstantiated accusations, including those based on gossip or second-hand accounts
People engaging in harassment of Transform1060 team members or volunteers may be:
- Disallowed entry to events at Transform1060
- Removed from events at Transform1060
- Subject to legal response
In summary, those who harass Transform1060 volunteers or team members online or in person should assume that they are not welcome to attend events at Transform1060.
Questions about this statement? Email us directly at info@transform1060.org. If you have experienced this kind of harassment by others in the community because you are a volunteer or event host, please let us know as well through the same channel.
Transform1060 Policies
COVID Policy (Reviewed 1/29/24)
MPX Info (Reviewed 1/29/24)
Transform1060 strives for greater inclusion.
- All events are trans-inclusive. Transform1060 does not host open or private cisgender-only events. Transform1060 allows hosts to have gender-specific and gender-exclusive events, but we expect all events to be trans-inclusive for their event’s gender profile. Our goal is fostering practices that make all events at Transform1060 feel safe and welcoming for transfolks.
- Physical accessibility to the space is a funding priority. When considering improvements to the space, we will prioritize those which provide greater accessibility to a wider range of people. Our goal is creating and maintaining the most accessible space possible given the physical limitations of the building.
- 10% of gross income is used to support historically excluded, marginalized, and underrepresented groups and individuals, through admission discounts and reduced rental fees. Our goal is increasing services to and participation by historically excluded and under-represented people.
- We are proactive in ongoing, targeted outreach to individuals and groups from historically underrepresented demographics. Our goal is sharing clear, timely information about opportunities for priority booking and rental subsidies.