donate to Transform1060
Support Transform1060 financially by donating via Spotfund. We welcome both one-time and recurring donations. Your tax-deductible donation helps us reach our financial goals and supports our core values of inclusion and fiscal responsibility.
In addition, we invite you to become a community stakeholder. How? By attending, volunteering, or hosting events at Transform1060!
Your participation helps us build community! Event tickets and admission fees pay the monthly rent and bills and support our hosts so they can hold more events. Paid admissions also help fund greater inclusion via need-based comped tickets and rental discounts for historically excluded groups. Attending shows your support and engagement.
Hosting is probably easier and more rewarding than you imagine! The Transform1060 team supports individual or organizational event hosts in having the kind of party, workshop, or gathering they envision. Our commitment to greater inclusion means we have rental discounts for events serving historically excluded, marginalized or under-represented groups within leather/kink/fetish. For more information, email — or get a head start using our online booking form!
As a non-profit community supported space, we depend on volunteers! Volunteers help maintain the space, and assist event hosts with setup, check-in, monitoring, and teardown. To volunteer for an event, check the event listings on our calendar, or contact the hosts via their event listing. To volunteer in helping maintain and improve the space, contact!